Let's Scale your service business.

hurry! Limited spots available






Freedom Framework Course


1:1 Program

Build your service-based business into a scalable, automated machine in just 90 days with a VIP Intensive & Done-For-You Systems.

But right now, your reality looks something like this:

Your day kicks off with strategic decisions derailed by urgent "fires" that somehow always need your personal attention.

You've got a team, but delegation feels like more work than just doing it yourself. Your calendar is packed with meetings, leaving little time for the big-picture thinking your business desperately needs.

You make it to family dinner, but your mind is still at the office. That nagging voice in your head won't let you fully disconnect, even for an hour.

You're successful, sure. But your profits aren't matching your effort, and the thought of scaling both excites and terrifies you. You know there's potential for explosive growth, but you can't seem to find the time or headspace to make it happen.

That course you've always wanted to create? It's been on the back burner for months because you're too caught up in day-to-day operations.

You've hit that awkward stage where you're too big to do it all yourself, but not quite ready to completely let go. You're stuck in this entrepreneurial limbo, and it's starting to wear you down.

You built this business for freedom and impact, not to feel like you're constantly playing catch-up. You wanted to be a visionary leader, not a glorified project manager.

You're ready for the next level, but the path there isn't clear. And let's be honest, the thought of working even harder makes you want to throw in the towel.

you want to 10x your revenue without 10x-ing your workload.

Let me guess...

Look, let's give credit where it's due. You've built something impressive, and you're not afraid to roll up your sleeves and get shit done.

But you're not just looking to stay afloat anymore – you're ready to dominate. But to do that, you need more than just hacks and quick fixes. You need a complete reimagining of how your business operates.

You've even probably tried to fix this on your own, because that's what badass entrepreneurs do, right?

Attempted to create a scalable offer or digital product, but it keeps getting pushed to the back burner due to day-to-day operations

Tried to build a team, but struggled with letting go of control and effectively delegating key tasks

Considered raising your prices significantly, but worried about losing long-term clients or pricing yourself out of the market

Sound familiar?

Let's doooo it!

Invested in high-end project management tools, but they're gathering digital dust because you don't have time to fully implement them

Listen, it's not your fault those quick fixes didn't stick.
Here's the truth:

It's not about slapping on another productivity app or time management technique. We're talking a ground-up reimagining of how your business operates.

That's where the Freedom Immersion comes in. 

We'll dig into the root causes of your overwhelm, not just the symptoms. We'll build systems that scale with you, not hold you back. And we'll do it all without you having to sacrifice your life or sanity in the process.


Ditch the 'successful but stuck' BS and build your dream business in 90 days flat

Clarify - Automate - Scale

From Time-Sucking Chaos to Smooth-As-Hell Operations
Kiss your 80-hour weeks goodbye. We're implementing systems so badass, your business practically runs itself.

Profit Explosion Without the Burnout
Double your revenue without doubling your workload. Because working harder is for chumps – we're working smarter.

From Frazzled Owner to Badass CEO
Stop letting your business run you into the ground. It's time to take the reins and become the visionary leader you were born to be.

Enroll as a Freedom Immersion VIP

Choose your payment plan and secure your place in this 3 month VIP intensive. You will get immediate access to everything you need to get started. 

How does it work?


Book your 1:1 calls
and VIP day

These are in depth, no-fluff strategy sessions designed to ignite your business growth and propel you to the next level.


Connect with the Freedom Family

Join our exclusive Q&A Slack community - your 24/7 support system for questions, collaborations, and everything in between.

This is also where you will get first priority DM access to me.


here is the process

I Need This

What you get for 90 days (let me give it to you straight): 

6x 1:1, 60 minute calls with me or my team for deep-dive strategy and implementation (Value: $7,797)

a VIP day (Value: $7,797)

Done-for-you automation setup (Value: $3,997) 

Weekly asset reviews (Value: $2,497)

VIP Slack access (Value: $1,497)

Your own personalized client portal (Value: $997)

Step-by-step Freedom Framework trainings - four modules to free up 10+ hours weekly and scale your service business - without working more.
(Value: $4,997) 

Community access in a private Slack channel (Value: $997)

Your Investment:

Let's put it all together

Say less, I'm in!

Total Program Value: $30,576


Best Value

Pay in full


one time payment

6 month payment


6 monthly payments

3 month payment


3 monthly payments


Pay as You Gain


Pay as You Gain


You're sick of being a prisoner to your own success, constantly feeling like your business is running you instead of the other way around.

This IS for you if

The thought of another year stuck in the same hustle cycle makes you want to scream into a pillow (or maybe quit altogether).

You're ready to stop playing small and start building the empire you know you're capable of, without sacrificing your sanity or family time.

You're ready to stop playing small and start building the empire you know you're capable of, without sacrificing your sanity or family time.

You're content with the status quo and don't mind your business dictating every aspect of your life.

This is NOT for you if

The idea of investing in yourself and your business growth makes you break out in a cold sweat.

You believe the only way to scale is by working harder and longer hours, and you're totally cool with that.

You're looking for a magic bullet that doesn't require any effort or change on your part.

Kelsea c

Meridith helped me feel at ease with online systems that will help me run my business smoothly, including outsourcing and delegating when needed. I feel confident that now I can stay true to my mission of life and work happiness because I will not be trying to do it all myself and get lost in a million sticky notes and weekly do to lists.


Julie G

I can now finally focus on client care and growing my business. Not to mention I only work four days a week and enjoy three day weekends. 

my annual revenue jumped from 110K to 500K.

Christa M

I feel SOOO organized, clear and inspired to offer my services to the world in a way that works for me, my family life and my marriage. I feel in control of my time, finances and the proper support I need.

I feel in control of my time, finances and the proper support I need.

Jen D

Shawna C

Jackie R

I learned how to use a project management system that clearly outlined my tasks for each day, making things much more streamlined and much less stressful. Now I am able to coach my clients and hang out with my 1 year old on my own terms.

I hang out with my 1 year old on my own terms.

I hired a PT and a VA team for my practice so I was able to take a full week off without even picking up my computer to respond to emails and I booked a new client regardless.

I was able to take a full week off. 

I used to think of myself as just not an organized person, but with starting my business I knew I needed to find a way to overcome that. Meridith helped simplify the chaos in my brain to help me see that I could indeed be organized, with the help of the right systems and actually using those systems.

She Simplified the chaos in my brain.

You got questions?
I have answers.

What's the difference between the Freedom Immersion and the Freedom Framework Self-Study Course?

Think of it this way: The Freedom Framework Self-Study Course gives you the tools, the blueprint, and my expert coaching modules to build your freedom-based business at your own pace.

The Freedom Immersion? That's where I become your personal business co-pilot for 3 months. We're talking 1:1 strategy sessions, done-for-you automations, and direct access to my brain. It's for those ready to fast-track their results and have me personally guide their business transformation.

Is this program right for me?

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You're a service-based entrepreneur ready to scale without working 24/7
  • You're making good money but feel trapped by your business
  • You're tired of being the bottleneck in your own growth
  • You're ready to invest in systems and strategies that will give you your life back

If you're cool with staying overwhelmed and letting your business run your life, then this isn't for you. But if you're ready to become the CEO your business needs, let's talk.

Do you offer payment plans?

I sure do! Your budget should never be an issue - I offer flexible plans for where you are at in your business.

I am so busy, how am I going to fit this in?

Let's get real - if you had time to spare, you wouldn't need this program. That's exactly why it exists. We're not adding to your plate; we're clearing that sucker off. The strategies you'll learn will free up 10+ hours a week, minimum. Plus, with done-for-you automations and direct access to my brain, we're essentially cloning you (minus the creepy sci-fi vibes). This isn't another task on your to-do list. It's your escape plan from the "too busy" trap.

What if I don't consider myself "tech-savvy"?

Good news: you don't need to be. That's why you've got me. I'll walk you through everything step-by-step, and for the more complex stuff, we've got done-for-you solutions. Plus, the tech we use is designed to make your life easier, not complicate it. Trust me, if you can use a smartphone, you can handle this.

How long do I get access to the materials?

How does forever sound? Once you're in, you're in for life. That includes all future updates and additions to the program materials. Consider it your lifetime pass to business freedom. The 1:1 support and done-for-you services are for the 3-month program duration, but the learning materials? They're yours to keep and revisit whenever you need a refresh.

Here's the deal: You're too damn good to be playing small. 

this is a 90-day adrenaline shot straight to the heart of your business. We're talking nuclear-level systems overhaul, profit-pumping strategies, and the kind of support that makes your competitors jealous.

This isn't for tire-kickers or wishful thinkers. This is for the rebels, the visionaries, the ones who are sick of settling for 'good enough' when 'holy shit, is this really my life?' is on the table.

In three months, you'll go from frazzled business owner to badass CEO with a life you actually want to live. No more apologizing for success, no more sacrificing everything at the altar of your business.

So here's your choice: Keep running on that hamster wheel of hustle, or step up and build a business that works as hard as you do.

The door's open. You in?

Xoxo, Meridith

P.S. Still contemplating? Listen, indecision is just decision with a side of fear. Successful people don't wait for the 'right time' - they make the right time. So make the damn call. Your future self is either going to thank you or curse you. Your move.


Best Value

Pay in full


one time payment

6 month payment


6 monthly payments

3 month payment


3 monthly payments


Pay as You Gain


Pay as You Gain


Ditch the to-do list hell. Freedom's waiting


get started