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the Freedom Framework

freedom framework

self study course


Go from overwhelmed and overworked to a streamlined $10K/month business with 10+ extra hours weekly — in just 8 weeks 😎

But instead you wake up to your annoying alarm, the one that instantly reminds you of the overflowing to-do list waiting for you. It feels like the never-ending scroll of tasks that taunts you every morning. You rush through your routine, fueled by coffee and a heavy feeling that something's gotta give.

The workday is a whirlwind of emails, meetings, and unfinished projects. You constantly feel like you're drowning in a sea of tasks, the clock ticking mercilessly in the background. Lunch? More like a quick bite at your desk while juggling calls and reports. By the end of it all, you're fried with barely any energy left for the things you actually enjoy.

Weekends might offer a short break, but the stress never fully goes away. You spend your precious free time catching up on work or dreading the upcoming week. The dream of having true freedom feels more and more like a distant fantasy.

Sound familiar? You're definitely not alone. Countless entrepreneurs are stuck in this cycle, trading their hours for dollars and never feeling truly in control.

You crave freedom, flexibility, and the chance to pursue your passions.

Let me guess...

The struggle to Turn Your Ideas into Reality. You're Brilliant, You're Driven, But There Just Aren't Enough Hours in the Day.

You have a never-ending list of tasks that seems to grow longer no matter how much you accomplish. It creates a constant sense of overwhelm and makes it hard to focus on what truly matters.

You're constantly rushing from one task to the next, never feeling like you can catch your breath. This constant pressure makes it hard to be productive and leaves you feeling stressed and burnt out.

You're stuck on a hamster wheel, working all the time but never getting ahead. Your income is directly tied to the hours you put in, leaving you with little freedom and flexibility.

i know how you feel

You dream of having the time and freedom to travel, pursue your passions, or simply spend more time with loved ones. But with the way things are going now, that dream feels so far out of reach

Does this sound like you?

the Freedom Framework

Is the solution I created

I've Been there too.

THE freedom framework self-study course

let me introduce...

Go from overwhelmed and overworked to a streamlined $10K/month business with 10+ extra hours weekly — in just 8 weeks 😎


My 4-step freedom framework method

Module 00


create revenue projections & complete a time audit

Before you dive headfirst into building your life-first, freedom-based business, you have to get crystal clear on where you stand right now.

In this step you will create a revenue projection and undergo a time audit so you can see exactly where your precious minutes are going. This ain't about guilt-tripping, boo. It's about empowering you to take control of your schedule and free up time for the things that truly matter (like building your biz and living the good life!).

Module 01

Freedom Through Scheduling

create a personalized time management system

By the end, you'll create your dream workweek - a schedule that excites you, not stresses you! Imagine finally taking control of your calendar, clearing out the clutter, and reclaiming a whopping 10+ hours each week for the things that truly matter.

Module 02

Freedom through systems

Conquer the chaos & build a task system

By the end you will ditch the one-size-fits-all approach with your to-do list and design a task system that works uniquely to your needs so you become more productive then ever.

Module 03

freedom through automated income

create a profitable digital product 

By the end you will turn your expertise into a digital product – like an ebook, online course, or even a killer template set! – that sells itself and frees up your precious time for the things you love and to make more money, honey!

Module 04

freedom through outsourcing

learn how to delegate to a virtual assistant

By the end you'll transform from a one-woman show into the CEO of a well-oiled business machine. Think more time to focus on the high-impact activities that truly make a difference – growing your business (and your bank account!) and spending quality time with who you love.


  • Mindset shifts
  • Designing your Dream Workweek
  • Time Management Techniques
  • Rule of 3
  • Your Personalized Productivity System
  • Weekly Planning
  • Integrate Your Dream Schedule with Your Calendar 
  • Time-Blocking

  • Effective Task Management
  • Project Management Basics
  • Setting up Your Project Management System 
  • Creating & Customizing Your Workspace
  • Communications Tools
  • Reporting 
  • Integrations
  • Task & Project Priorities
  • System Audits

  • Digital Products Overview
  • Launch Planning
  • Using AI in Development
  • Market Research 
  • Decide What to Create
  • 100 Profitable Product Ideas
  • Creating a Video Digital Product
  • Creating a Written Digital Product
  • Setting up Your Digital Storefront
  • ManyChat

  • What to Outsource
  • FAQs about Hiring a VA
  • Create a Virtual Assistant Job Description
  • Where to Post the Job Description
  • Conducting VA Interviews
  • Virtual Assistant Onboarding
  • Handing off Tasks to Your VA


wait! there is more

You will also receive all of these bonuses

Time Freedom Toolkit with email sequences, freebie templates, etc. (everything you need, deets below.)

You get access to my entire vault of templates, swipe files, etc. If I have it, you get it too. No gatekeeping here.

Masterclass Hub with access to all past trainings I have done and any future classes I will do. Including guest experts

Get access to extra classes I have given, guest expert trainings or any future ones I decide to drop in ;)

My Private Facebook Group for community support

Join other entrepreneurs in a community who are looking to grow their network, streamline their systems and blow up their businesses!


Time Freedom Toolkit

  • Weekly Planner
  • SOP Library Template
  • SOP Master Template
  • Digital Product Creation Workflow Template
  • Freebie Templates
  • Email Sequence Templates
  • Launch Workflow Template
  • Launch Social Media Templates
  • General Virtual Assistant Job Description Template
  • Virtual Assistant Interview Question Bank
  • Candidate Interview Scorecard
  • VA Onboarding Workflow Template
  • Team Meeting Agenda Template
  • Offboarding Checklist: Team Member or Client
  • Podcast Outreach Template
  • Resource Roundup
  • and more!

Kelsea c

Meridith helped me feel at ease with online systems that will help me run my business smoothly, including outsourcing and delegating when needed. I feel confident that now I can stay true to my mission of life and work happiness because I will not be trying to do it all myself and get lost in a million sticky notes and weekly do to lists.


Julie G

I can now finally focus on client care and growing my business. Not to mention I only work four days a week and enjoy three day weekends. 

my annual revenue jumped from 110K to 500K.

Christa M

I feel SOOO organized, clear and inspired to offer my services to the world in a way that works for me, my family life and my marriage. I feel in control of my time, finances and the proper support I need.

I feel in control of my time, finances and the proper support I need.

Jen D

Shawna C

Jackie R

I learned how to use a project management system that clearly outlined my tasks for each day, making things much more streamlined and much less stressful. Now I am able to coach my clients and hang out with my 1 year old on my own terms.

hang out with my 1 year old on my own terms.

I hired a PT and a VA team for my practice so I was able to take a full week off without even picking up my computer to respond to emails and I booked a new client regardless.

 I was able to take a full week off. 

I used to think of myself as just not an organized person, but with starting my business I knew I needed to find a way to overcome that. Meridith helped simplify the chaos in my brain to help me see that I could indeed be organized, with the help of the right systems and actually using those systems.

She Simplified the chaos in my brain.

What you get in the self-study course (let me give it to you straight): 

Freedom Framework Self-Study Course Material.
Go from overwhelmed and overworked to a streamlined $10K/month business with 10+ extra hours weekly — in just 8 weeks 😎 (value: $3000)

Only $497

Let's put it all together

BONUS #1: Time Freedom Toolkit with email sequences, freebie templates, etc. (everything you need) I am always updating & adding things for you (value: $2000)

Say less, I'm in!

BONUS #2: Masterclass Hub access to all past trainings I have done and any future classes I will do. Including guest experts (value: $500)

BONUS #3: Community support in private Facebook group (value: $1000)

Value $6,500

Free updates for lifeeeeee

One payment



two month payment




You got questions?
I have answers.

What's the difference between this self-study course and the Freedom Immersion program?

The self-study program offers all my core video lessons, downloadable resources, and workbooks you need to master the course material at your own pace. The Freedom Immersion is a 3-month high-support program with one-on-one calls, a VIP day, Slack access, weekly asset audits with me, and more! It is ideal for those who crave personalized support.

Is the self-study course right for me?

The self-study course is perfect for you if thrive with learning at your own pace. You will be given the tools & resources and you can implement as you wish!

Do you offer payment plans?

I sure do!

I am so busy, how am I going to fit this in?

I understand that your plate is already full, which is precisely why the I created this Freedom Framework. This course is an investment in streamlining your future, saving you countless hours down the line. By setting aside just this small chunk of time now, you’re paving the way for a more efficient, productive, and balanced life and business. 

What if I don't consider myself "tech-savvy"?

Even though that is probably just a story you're telling yourself (I see you ;)) I walk you through the tech step-by-step so you can focus on everything else.

How long do I get access to the materials?

How's forever sound to you? You also will get all the future updates for free. 

Look, my journey wasn't all unicorns and profit margins. I spent my first year in business drowning in to-do lists, mainlining coffee, and wondering if this entrepreneurial gig was just an elaborate form of self-torture.

But then I had my "fk this shit" moment. I was done being controlled by my business. So I rolled up my sleeves, dove headfirst into the world of systems and strategies, and emerged with the secret sauce to running a business that doesn't run you into the ground.

For five years, I used these skills to manage 6 and 7-figure operations for other badasses. But let's be real: I wanted that same freedom for myself.

Fast forward to now: I've cracked the code on having it all (or at least most of it, let's not get crazy). I'm talking a thriving business, time for my kids, and yes, occasionally sleeping past 8 AM.

Now, I'm here to help you do the same. I'm not just talking about managing your time better - I'm talking about completely revolutionizing how you run your business. We're gonna turn that time-sucking monster into a well-oiled machine that practically runs itself.

Ready to stop being a prisoner to your success and start being the CEO of your dreams? Let's fking do this.




Xoxo, Meridith

One payment



two month payment




Stop dreaming, start building. 
Freedom awaits. 


enroll NOW